Keep GPS Working Coalition

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Keep GPS Working Coalition Issues Statement in Support of RETAIN GPS and Satellite Communications Act

WASHINGTON (June 22, 2021)—The Keep GPS Working Coalition endorsed the Recognizing and Ensuring Taxpayer Access to Infrastructure Necessary for GPS and Satellite Communications Act of 2021, introduced today by U.S. Sens Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.).

The bill requires Ligado Networks to reimburse businesses and consumers forced to replace their GPS receivers due to interference caused by the company’s proposed use of its L-Band spectrum, which was approved by a Federal Communications Commission order in April 2020. While the FCC’s decision requires Ligado to upgrade or replace federal government devices, it does not require Ligado to accept responsibility for the millions of private devices that will be affected.

Dale Leibach, spokesperson for the Keep GPS Working Coalition, said: “Thank you to Senators Inhofe, Duckworth and Rounds for taking this important step toward protecting GPS users from the staggering costs that will result from the FCC’s decision. This legislation protects the country’s national and economic security from the consequences of the FCC’s ill-advised Ligado order, which would impact the estimated 900 million GPS receivers currently in use, and we are thankful to the bill’s sponsor and cosponsors for their leadership on this critical issue.”

The Keep GPS Working Coalition was formed in response to a Federal Communications Commission order allowing Ligado Networks to operate a terrestrial wireless network that will threaten the reception capability of hundreds of millions of GPS devices. Coalition members include major associations representing vital economic sectors that rely on GPS including agriculture, aviation, boating, manufacturing, and transportation and infrastructure.

Media Contact

Dale Leibach

